How I work spiritually and a little bit of my journey so far.
I started my spiritual journey at a spiritualist church which to this day I still attend. At the church I have worked in a development circle as well as at various churches doing divine services. Also I have attended various psychic suppers where you work on a more one to one basis.I am now branching out on my own.
You will see reference to Simon Goodfellow a lot around this site. He has had a big hand in bringing my gift out. Over the last few months the way I work is evolving from when I did his training courses.
One of my favourite ways of connecting with spirit is using psychometry. This involves working with items of yours that you have put your energy into, keys, watches, jewellery etc. I can pick up energy from most things. This can never be guaranteed though. I can get readings from items that passed relatives have had but this is not guaranteed either.It needs me to connect with spirit and I don’t know who I might connect with. I will also work with Tarot and Angel cards during the reading. My main focus is on mediumship and connecting with spirit.
When a client sits with me I always ask that they put out positive intent. I recommend to them that they ask questions to their loved ones. In my experience spirit will decide what you need to hear. I do not predict the future. What I do do is work with your current energy and things that have affected your past and therefore are influencing your present actions. Things come to me in words, pictures, energy, smells and strangely song lyrics. I am an honest straightforward guy.I give what I get I will never make things fit I respect spirit too much for that.